Projektowanie, nadzór, budowa. Inwestycje kompleksowo. |
Naszym celem jest kompleksowa realizacja inwestycji budowlanych. Świadczymy usługi doradcze takie jak nadzór inwestorski zarówno na inwestycjach kubaturowych jak i infrastrukturalnych. Projektujemy budynki ale i towrzymy innowacyjne rozwiązania. Budujemy zarowno obiekty większe jak budynki wielorodzinne, hale magazynowe jak i domy jednorodzinne. Zapraszamy do współpracy!

Optimization of investment costs

Have you met with a situation where quotations and offers, eg general contractors, significantly exceeded the costs assumed for the investment? Or did the project documentation based on which the application for a building permit was submitted assumed design solutions that would jeopardize construction costs or determine only one or two suppliers?
We offer you the optimization of investment costs, which we do starting from the verification of project documentation, checking the financial legitimacy of the construction and architectural solutions adopted (taking into account also the construction organization costs), by checking the budget and cost estimates, ending with the proposal of replacement solutions supported by offers and statements alternative suppliers.
We are able to offer replacement solutions that do not affect the building’s standard but make construction costs smaller and match the investment costs planned by the investor (eg total costs resulting from a square meter of usable or commercial space by the unit price of a given type of building).
We are able to take action on the budget and reduce the investment costs both during the design (when the Investor has already commissioned design works) and during construction when the project documentation has been completed and the Investor begins construction after obtaining the building permit. In the event that our proposals of changes are so large that a change of the building permit in the scope of the service will be required, we can ensure full coordination and carrying out the process of changing the building permit all the time keeping the deadline for completing the investment.
The service of optimization or reduction of investment costs is already addressed at the first proposals of changes. The result of the work order is a reduction of the construction costs, which de facto means that the service itself costs nothing.