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PMKS pl – PMSC eng (Prefabricated Modular Skeletal Construction)- projects, multi-family buildings or a license for own use of the system already on sale

3 June 2018
PMKS pl – PMSC eng (Prefabricated Modular Skeletal Construction)- projects, multi-family buildings or a license for own use of the system already on sale

It is with great pleasure  we can announce that we have finished work on our proprietary multi-family housing system called PMKS (Prefabricated Modular Skeletal Construction). The system was additionally enriched with prefabricated external walls with a ready façade (in two variants on the reinforced concrete substructure and energy-saving on the wooden framework substructure). In the energy-saving version of the walls, the cost of constructing a multi-family building of an exemplary 1096 m2 usable residential area is about starting 2031 PLN / m2. Of course, we made an architectural project, a cost estimate and we’ve get the price for  prefabricated elements and semi-prefabricated systems from the production companies / suppliers . All of its elements are generally available on the boulding construction market but onle we konw how to put them together to get such a low price. The time of building a building in our system is even shorter by several months and practically independent of winter conditions. The sales offer of an exemplary project, individual projects as well as the right to redesign buildings for our construction including project management or contracting will be published on the website under a separate tab soon. We invite you to contact us.