Projektowanie, nadzór, budowa. Inwestycje kompleksowo. |
Naszym celem jest kompleksowa realizacja inwestycji budowlanych. Świadczymy usługi doradcze takie jak nadzór inwestorski zarówno na inwestycjach kubaturowych jak i infrastrukturalnych. Projektujemy budynki ale i towrzymy innowacyjne rozwiązania. Budujemy zarowno obiekty większe jak budynki wielorodzinne, hale magazynowe jak i domy jednorodzinne. Zapraszamy do współpracy!


about us

InvestyKA is a professional activity whose main task is to support the Investor or Contractor in the process of achieving business goals, internal plans and tasks as well as construction investments. We offer a very wide and comprehensive range of managerial services both traditional for conducting construction projects (so-called project management) as well as non-standard ones related to the implementation of tasks (so-called interim management).


mgr inż. Andrzej Karpiński

Master of Civil Engineering Engineer with over a dozen successfully completed investments in his professional achievements. Certified Project Manager having building qualifications in the construction and constructional specialty without restrictions, directing all stages and processes of the construction investment. What makes it a combination of management skills and knowledge and experience gained in design and supervision on the construction site. Experienced manager in the implementation of not only construction projects, successfully using project methodologies also in other industries and not only construction orders.

What we can offer

Managerial service for companies

Optymalization of investment cost

Construction project managment

Design, supervision and implementation


get to know us, our achievements, ambition, goals and directions of development

We do not rest on our laurels, we do not stop after achieving one success. Our goal is continuous development and improvement of already acquired skills, opportunities, we use sawn paths and create new routes. Innovative approach and unconventional concepts allow for optimal in terms of efficiency and costs solutions supporting investment processes in construction.

They trusted us