Do you have a construction managment problem? We will help you solve it.
You are stuck in the place, the investment can not move on, the formal and legal stage (permits) goes indefinitely and building law does not foresee your case?
Or maybe you are a construction or production company and are trying to introduce a new idea into your life, make changes in your company or outsource a job that you can not delegate to your employees due to too large a workload or a completely different qualification?
We can manage the most difficult project ( the largest or the smalest).
How does it look like?
We set goals, scopes, model, plan and implement.
Interim management. In short, it is a temporary and defined objective and scope of action within the organization, aimed at achieving specific goals and established business results. The most important aspect of investing as an interim manager is to increase the value of an organization in a given area and achieve a specific goal.
It’s very briefly. We approach each task individually using the project management methodology.
You can rent us once or you can cooperate on similar terms as legal offices.
Lump sum, hourly or task settlement.
We invite you to contact us.
MSc. Andrzej Karpiński PM investyKA tel +48 511 153 149