Projektowanie, nadzór, budowa. Inwestycje kompleksowo. |
Naszym celem jest kompleksowa realizacja inwestycji budowlanych. Świadczymy usługi doradcze takie jak nadzór inwestorski zarówno na inwestycjach kubaturowych jak i infrastrukturalnych. Projektujemy budynki ale i towrzymy innowacyjne rozwiązania. Budujemy zarowno obiekty większe jak budynki wielorodzinne, hale magazynowe jak i domy jednorodzinne. Zapraszamy do współpracy!


MSc. Andrzej Karpiński – Manager leading / Leader of InvestyKA project teams
Master of Civil Engineering Engineer with over a dozen successfully completed investments in his professional achievements. Certified Project Manager having building qualifications in the construction and construction specialty without restrictions, directing all stages and processes of the construction project. What makes it a combination of management skills and knowledge and experience gained in design and supervision on the construction site and in the production of building components. Responsible for all aspects of investment (formal, financial, technical, timely). I lead the investment from the stage of idea verification, pre-design including checking the possibilities of the plot, preparing the concept and obtaining decisions with formal and legal issues, design and obtaining a building permit, building the facility, ending with putting into operation with obtaining a use permit, starting the facility at the end ..
Originator and initiator of internet portals and many innovative projects not only in the construction industry.